Monday, December 3, 2007

My Uncle Valton and AJ!

This is is my Uncle Valton and my favoritist (that's not a word, huh?) Aunt on the planet, Aunt June! These two practically raised me for summers and much more during my "growing up" years. I traveled with them and my 3 cousins practically all over the U.S. while my Uncle worked and we played and drove them completely nuts! Such good memories...some of the best in my life. They say you never know how good you have (or had) it until it's gone...well this is one of those times. I cherish my times with them and remember all of it fondly...
If you want to know how to successfully raise children, make a living for your family, have rock solid values to pass on to your posterity, and live your life with integrity, look no further.
To my Uncle Valton and Aunt two are the best of the best and I love you dearly...

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